Sejak Joomla 1.6 di rilis awal tahun ini sampai sekarang masih banyak yang bingung dengan cara kerja joomla 1.6. Padahal perlu waktu sekitar 3 tahun TIM Inti Pengembang joomla membangun versi ini, dan sekarang user banyak yang berharap-harap cemas apa yang terjadi dengan dukungan pihak ke-3 selanjutnya. Apakah sudah layak membuat website di versi 1.6 sekarang ini atau bagaimana…? Berapa lama harus menunggu untuk memigrasikan website cleint..?
Dibawah ini penjelasan resmi dari Founder Joomla Si Abang Andrew Eddie tentang rencana pengembangan Core Joomla. Berdasarkan hal ini mungkin bisa memudahkan teman2 semua untuk memilih apakah upgrade atau instal baru :
Finally, the developer portal outlines the new development strategy that is now in process:
In summary what this means is:
Release Date Maintenance Till Joomla 1.5 Jan 2008 Apr 2012 Joomla 1.6 Jan 2011 Aug 2011 Joomla 1.7 (Bowerbird) Jul 2011 Feb 2012 Joomla 1.8 (Cool Name?) Jan 2012 Long Term Support
- Joomla will release a new version of the CMS every 6 months, starting from Jan 2011 (the 1.6 release).
- We are actually in the Joomla 1.7 (Bowerbird) development phase.
- Development contributions for 1.7 are currently being accepted and should be made via the JFT, either by patch or referring to a branch.
- Nobody can say what will be in Joomla 1.7 until the JFT is analysed and contributions are accepted.
- Developers have the option of working on features that may take longer than six months to develop and target a future version (eg, skip contributions for a major feature in 1.7 because there simply isn’t enough time and aim for 1.8).
Developers who are concerned about the magnitude of change should monitor the JFT closely to ensure there are no surprises that affect them. Given there is less than 3 months left to accept contributions for 1.7 (and these must be in fully working condition), it is likely that 1.7 will be a very “light” upgrade from 1.6.
sumber :
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